
Poker Warm Up Routine

Last updated on : 01 Jan, 1970

Poker Warmup Routine That every beginner should Follow

Practice. Poker Warm up Routine. Preach

You know when you cross paths with a black cat, you know you might just have escaped something. Has any of these things got you to re-examine or reassess what your day is going to look like? Similarly, have you thought of days where you have to wake up and push yourself to work out. Imagine going to a gym and warming up your body before you begin your workout. The same way you apparently have a poker warm up session with your friends before you sit on the table.

Have you ever done a poker warm up routine?

Your only goal or you could say your overriding goal is to have a poker warm up routine to win yourself some good amount. But have you imagined, why would you want any game to help you release your stress? You know what? Online poker is said to be one of the best card games to eliminate your daily stresses. There are six ways that online poker can reduce your stress:

Gives you an adrenaline rush – This game is so gripping and thrilling that it occupies your mind. You feel a sense of procurement and completion. You definitely know that adrenaline rush gives you superhuman powers to resist any kind of a mental block or any pain. It also increases your brain lifting power. So why not let online poker do the job?

It instigates the inventiveness within your mind – It’s a very competitive game and therefore needs you to be on your tippy toes. You need to constantly be churning out unique strategies to beat your opponents. It completely activates your rational thinking and makes you creative. It lightens the innovation and artistry within you.

Psychological intentions – You know poker is a game of mathematics and psychology and therefore needs a lot of calculating of the odds to make your decisions. It needs a lot of concentration to achieve what you want. You learn how to avoid distractions and your main goal becomes beating your opponents and being the best.

Amigos – Poker has some crazy cool fanatics with crazy experiences. All you have to do is, make sure you get in touch with them. Make sure that that person becomes your buddy. That’s when you get to learn a lot from someone.

Up-beat lifestyle – Mistakes are absolutely inevitable. Poker is one game that teaches you to learn from your mistakes. It has actually helped 50% of the players to overcome their nervousness and sadness. Imagine, you are playing online poker, you aren’t face-to-face with your opponent. That definitely will help the introverts.

Convenience- In the world full of technological advancement, card games have taken over the internet. Poker being one of the most played card games. You know it is convenient for you when you don’t have to leave your house to go somewhere. You can chill at home, in your pyjamas, open the Spartan Poker app, play poker online and start relieving your stress.

You know you are a newbie when you fear playing in an entire setup! Be it online poker or a face-to-face game. You need to learn how to overcome your fears to up your game. All you have to do is:

  •  Figure out what brings the fear in you.
  •  Visualize yourself as the most successful and rich poker player.
  •  Don’t focus on losing, just focus on learning new deals in every game.
  •  Be super positive.

Basic rules to practice your poker warm up:

Poker is quite an adventure and therefore there are going to be great days and some days would make you feel like it’s your worst nightmare. A good poker warm up routine is a necessity, be it for a beginner or a pro.

1. Cocoon and Quarantine – You know if you are on a noisy and overconfident table you might lose your focus. Poker is a game you need to play with full focus. Just alienate yourself and shut off all the noise around you. Keep out all the negativity. Detach yourself from people you feel are intimidating. Mainly, stay fixated and self-obsessed. Detach yourself and run through your poker warm up in your head.

2. Abscond yourself – Take your coffee and tea breaks. But don’t really pause the game for others right in the middle. Take a breather, don’t take too long. Be professional.

3. Airplane Mode – Keep your phones away, put them on Airplane Mode, don’t get distracted. But don’t do that when you’re playing poker online.

4. Don’t be too social – I mean, make friends but don’t constantly be on social media. Try connecting with your fellow mates and break the ice. It definitely helps you read the player and his game better.

5. R&D – Read a number of articles on poker warm up routines that will help you relax and build up new strategies. Watch videos of poker stars and how they follow their regime to warm up. Reflect all of it in your game. Learn from your previous mistakes.

6. If you’re playing online, make sure your Wi-Fi or internet works perfect. Make sure you check your poker app.

These basic poker warm up tactics are a necessity without which you can never counter-attack or even be prepared for your play. Don’t be an easy trap for your opponents. Work on your mind games by reviewing your poker warm up techniques well. Remember, make sure you sit on the right table which matches your pot strength and your smartness to tackle. Make sure you are positioned well on the table. If required, review your poker warm up routine in short.

The most basic poker warm up ideas that these famous poker players practise are:

  •  Review their previous games and hands.
  •  Watch a poker game video.
  •  A poker warm up routine review.
  •  Meditate.
  •  Be well read.

Let the game begin!

Once your poker warm up is done, you should only concentrate on making your game better. The only reason you practice a warm up is because, you can improve your game every time. There are a few things you can be observant about while you practice your warm up:

1. Re raise with contradiction: Most amateur players re-raise on the premium hands which is definitely an awful strategy. You need to get the proper implied odds or might as well fold. Say for example, you have premium hands such as A-K and 9-9, you are perceived as strong. This can be a dominant strategy against players who are not holding premium cards. The ideal re-raising linear range becomes more converse. If your fellow mates are unsure, they will have a tough time playing against you.

2. Take advantage of heads up pots – Amateur players have the skill to continuously bet on a flop until your hand improves. For example, if you make a pre-flop raise at the very beginning and only the big blinds hit, make sure you still remain in the game. If you raise a high percentage even when your flop is terrible, you know you are losing.

3. Variations in poker – Start trying your hands-on various forms of poker. Turn it into the most profitable opportunities to win a game. Irrespective of the fact that the game is a huge win or not, it’s always good to learn from it. Try no limit Hold’em, Omaha, seven cards start poker et cetera which makes your game better.

4. Make notes – Literally make notes in a diary! Make sure you remember to carry a diary to note down the mistakes or the hands that you lost on. You will definitely be shocked of how your memory will fail you no matter how hard you try to remember the hands. If you game gets recorded, or you have a poker coach, you are safe.

5. Do your study well – Make sure that you read articles about the most famous poker players. Watch poker training videos. Learn the new strategies and ideas. Practise them watch videos of poker players and their strategies and mind games right before your game. You can also follow a poker warm up routine.

Poker warm up is just like another routine you follow to get fitter in the game and more attentive. The main goal of poker warm up is to prepare yourself and to perform with your complete ability. When you think of professional sports and the athletes, they warm up before the stunts. They warm up before a proper grinding session. Poker warm up acts the same for your brain. It engages your brain to throw and play a proper a game.

If you are a poker player and won’t follow your poker warm up routine religiously, you are missing out on a lot of export performance. You should religiously do a poker warm up by reviewing your hand history, learn your articles well, watch videos, train yourself. Always do a full-fledged scan through session before your important game. Never skip it.

Once you get a warm up routine, you will question how you never bothered about it before and skipped it in the past. A poker warm up doesn’t only help you to warm yourself up but also brings the probabilities and bad decisions you made in your fast and fix them.


Concluding it with some fascinating facts about poker that will definitely blow your mind: (They practiced their regime well too!)

Fact 1: Poker is one of the most lucrative sport in the world. People have won the biggest prize awards in poker tournaments.

Fact 2: A game of poker once lasted nearly 8 1/2 years. You heard it right! It began in 1881.

Fact 3: Poker was played with gold nuggets, gold coins and even gold dust. For people who could not afford it, gaming houses started inventing poker chips. They were usually made of bone, clay or wood. Their designs usually depicted their value.

Fact 4: The big-time evolution of poker has happened from being conveniently available to people on every corner to coming completely online.

You can definitely have your own poker warm up. Set yourself a poker warm up routine. When it up on your board. Right before playing the game, religiously follow the poker warmup. Make it of utmost importance. Poker warm up routine needs to be followed irrespective of the fact that you are playing a big or small game. If you’re playing poker online, make a of your to-do list and put it up for your fellow mates to read and practice. They can use your poker warm up routine.

Spartan Poker becomes one of your platforms to practice your tactics efficiently. Before you begin playing your game on the app, make sure you have reviewed your hands from the history. Remember to head to Spartan Poker for your best experience in real money poker games an amateur or a superstar.

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