Poker definitions are your go-to in terms of starting as a new player. For you to build a base through which you can confidently play the game, you will have to spend as much time as possible learning the game of poker and getting your basics in place. Poker Terms like ‘poker raise’ or ‘poker calls’ are going to ring through your ears as these are essential poker actions without which the game cannot be played with a structure. While playing a game of poker, you will have the chance to either bet, call, raise, fold and check (under certain circumstances) and in order to yield the most out of your stack and keep it protected, you will have to properly incorporate these moves in the poker strategy you employ in order to win the pot or at least stand a fair chance.

Raise in Poker

While at the table, you will have to make important decisions between your options of either raising, checking, folding, or re-raising whenever the moment arises in order to take your game forward. While talking exclusively of raising, you need to understand that as the word denotes; poker players raise when they feel they need to add value to the pot in the current street. Therefore, whatever the bet may be made, the raised amount forces the initial wager to either call the added amount, re-raise, or fold. Naturally, this action is done for a number of possible reasons, and we will go over them one by one.

  • Raise to Protect
    If you feel that you positively have a better hand and therefore stand a higher chance to claim the pot if at all you reach the showdown, then always raise. If you are at the flop and you know two more betting rounds are to arrive, and so a couple of cards are yet to be known on the poker table, and still, your opponent plays aggressively, it’s time to think of a raise and protect your good hand.
  • Raise to Reduce Competition
    Sometimes, you will have to raise in order to clear your way to the pot. Taking your competition out in poker is very important, and there’s no better way than a raise on most occasions. Let’s say you hold pocket pairs and you’re strongly in line to win the game, but you see four more competitors racing for the prize pool; raise and put them out of the track.
  • Raise to Win More
    Poker is a game of cards involving luck and skill that is played for the simple motive of using the right poker hand combinations to win the big pot. It isn’t every day that you will find yourself in a strong position. So, if you are playing a big-money poker tournament, your aim would be to maximize your winnings, and that can only be done by raising. If you are absolutely confident of your poker hands and you can somehow judge your opponents, then raise, increase the pot and go for the win.
  • Raise to Bluff
    Poker strategies always involve a few card games, and that makes bluffing in poker a big deal. Confidence at the table and lack of it can be smelled by veteran players and can be used to their advantage. There could be times when your opponent is playing reserved despite having a good hand. In such a case, you can raise to make him believe that you have a better hand, and he could fold. Of course, your risk-bearing capability, and bankroll needs to be taken into consideration for this. But if it is worth the risk, go for it.

Knowing when to raise and when not to can alone cost you or make you a lot of money in a single poker game. These are topics that generally need to be learned by beginner players and if you are one of those; we urge you to take a look at our poker dictionary which will surely guide you through your doubts. You can always check out the official Spartan Poker website for handy blogs to serve as a simple yet highly informative guide during your novice days at the table.